Laundry day! I woke up at 7:54 and got dressed enough as to not look shabby before grabbing all my linens, folding them neatly (of course) and taking them downstairs to be changed. I like how they clean our bed linens for us. My dad will be happy too since he’s always insisted that we should wash them every two weeks. Happy birthday dad. I promised Lainey and Gregg last night that I would wake them up in time for laundry and so like a good neighbor I knocked on their doors around 8:10. After making up my bed, I promptly went back to sleep and did not reawaken until about 11.
We’re all enrolled in the same War Studies class, The Causes of War, and since we all needed to get into a seminar (like a recitation) for it, we all needed to be on campus by 1. Accordingly, we planned on making the 12:20 train from Denmark Hill. We cut it a little too close by leaving just after 12:10 and so we had to hoof it down to the station. Not ten seconds after we reached the platform our train arrived, two minutes early. The train is nicer than the bus because its so much faster, but it leaves less room for error since they only run to our ideal destinations every half hour. We made it to campus in plenty of time and met up with Micah in the foyer. We killed a bit of time by walking next door over to Somerset House and watching the few ice skaters skate on the rink and a couple of people practice on the rapidly melting ice wall. I got to wear my sunglasses for two glorious minutes but then sadly had to doff them. Back in the
Micah hadn’t bought his Oyster yet so he decided to hang around campus for a while before burning money on a ticket. Gregg and I headed for
Knightsbridge was the stop I wanted, not
Harrods…it’s hard to describe this place with mere words. You can spend hours walking around it and still not see everything. It has a reputation for being the one store where you can buy virtually anything (someone once bought an elephant from them!) and after you visit the place, you’ll believe them. I entered in on the perfume/cosmetics side and just moments after walking in my nose was assailed by a myriad of scents ranging from the everyday to the exotic. From there I browsed through the food halls were you can buy fruits from
The person who got on the lift right after me immediately pushed the button for floor 4 and since I didn’t know any better, I just went along. This floor was the baby/children’s section of clothing and accessories and also had a toy section just for the kiddies. I breezed past those and briefly checked the ladies shoes before finding an escalator. Top floor was the floor for sports and you could sporting equipment here for bowling, tennis, polo, golf, football, and all kinds of fitness equipment. One machine was selling for over six thousand pounds! I browsed through the football jerseys in search of a good find, but all the premiership jerseys were just too expensive. I saw some authentic
3rd floor has furniture and home decorations and accessories as well as books and music from Waterstones and HMV, respectively. I looked through Waterstones for a bit before remembering why I bought my books from
Ah, the second floor. Now this was more my area. I was greeted at the entrance with masses of beautiful crystal glasses. I’m a sucker for crystal and pretty much anything shiny (yes, I’m the land version of a barracuda). Swarovski was prominent here along with Baccarat,
The first floor is a haven for women’s fashion lovers everywhere. Row after row of famous names from Armani to Karen Millen and on and on. I looked at just a few price tags before moving on. Designer shoes were also here but I didn’t both with those because after seeing the displays outside, I knew what to expect.
A little overwhelmed by the sheer effulgence of the place, I left Harrods for the refreshing chill of a late
I made it to the Bridge around 4:40 and after ogling the scene for a minute or so, I began shooting. Everywhere I turned, there was something beautiful but the west bank and side was especially enchanting. Today I saw my first proper sunset since coming to
I made it back to my room at 5:30 and chatted with Gregg for a bit before unloading my camera and checking my mail. We rounded up some other Americans for dinner at 6 and joined some more when we got to the dining hall. Broccoli and cauliflower in a potato bake was on the menu and it was surprisingly good. I also picked up what looked like a piece of cake. I haven’t tried too many of the desserts here ‘cause they usually look kind of sketchy and I shouldn’t be eating many of them anyway. Gregg picked up something rather amorphous and covered with sprinkles that turned out to taste like…nothing and something at the same time. I wish I had gotten a picture of it. Our dinner conversation was pretty fun as we swapped stories of home and shopping with and for our parents. On the way back to the room after dinner, I noticed the washer was not taken and decided to take care of my laundry right then.
It took a little while to gather all my clothes and find some clean ones to put on, and after a few minutes I hauled my things though eight, count them eight, fire doors before reaching the room. I dropped in what was probably too much detergent (I’m too cheap to buy a measuring cup) and after depositing a lovely £1.20 into the machine, the washing was on. I messed around on the computer while it was running and picked it up just a few minutes late. I found a girl in there who had taken the liberty of depositing all of my clothes on top of the dryer. Well, it saved me one step I guess. I set the dryer for 45 minutes but when I picked them up later, I found most of them still quite damp. I should have just saved the 20p and just gone for 30 minutes. I’m sure the result would have been the same. Surprisingly, my jeans were the driest articles out of everything I threw in there. Upon reaching my room, I proceeded to decorate it with my clothes, especially the chair and radiator. Here the radiator comes in handy since it’s a lovely little drying rack that does a pretty fair job. It gets out the wrinkles in my shirts just fine.
I’m writing this while my clothes are drying and I think I’ll be heading to bed soon since I have class at 10.00 tomorrow. 10-11, 11-12, then 12-1…oh what fun! I am eager to see what my classes will be like though, so I really can’t complain. Besides, my week ends at 14.00 on Friday and doesn’t start up again until 10.00 on Tuesday so really, I’m doing pretty well. Well, that’s it for tonight. Cheers!
P.S. leave comments! Give me some feedback!
1 comment:
Beautiful sunset!! Like Saket, you do excellent job of capturing the essence of a scene. When we were travelling we used to warm up our next-day clothes on a radiator a night before, since waking up in winter in a pension's unheated room was brutal!
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