Tuesday, February 28, 2006

28 Feb

I can’t believe February’s nearly done
When it just feels as though this month’s just begun
Eleven syllables are hard to write in
So I will switch to eight and once more begin

“Causes” seminar was quite good
Gregg answered most questions about
Nuke subs as I was sure he would
Leaving some Brits a bit put out

After class we went home by train
Suddenly, it started snowing!
Had we been sent to a whole new plane
Or perhaps we were in Des Moines?

(That’s Kevin’s suggestion, not mine;
I would never write such a line)

The evening was uneventful
And passed me by rather quickly
Until I sought some nice restful
Sleep that eluded me cruelly

Insomnia is new for me
I usually sleep very well
Thus ended this February
I hope that March will be as swell

~Sapana Vora, 2006

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