Saturday, February 18, 2006

18 Feb

Woke up latish today and after eating a light lunch, I proceeded to work more on linguistics and watch the Olympics. Seriously, that’s what I’ve mostly been doing this week. The day started out a little gray but turned rainy towards late afternoon; a bit of a bummer for those attending the “Bad Taste” party at KCH tonight. That party started promptly at 8 p.m. and the music continued to pound energetically until just past 1 in the morning. My impeccable taste prevented me from attending and I happily watched the speed skating 1000m and 1500m instead.

Yang Yang (A) of China didn’t make it to the women’s finals which made me sad. At the Salt Lake games, she was the first Chinese woman ever to medal (or was it win gold?) in speed skating and she ended up skating off with two gold at those games. The Korean men and women dominated today with gold and silver in both men’s and women’s 1000m. Poor Apolo Ohno finished in bronze, but at least this race was much cleaner than what happened last time when that spectacular crash let the Aussie win.

I ate an orange for a late night snack and then read more LLL before going to bed around 2. Cheers! (So you like these shorter posts, eh? I’ll try to continue them, but sometimes I just have so much to say, so much to say, so much to say, so much to say…)

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