Saturday, October 27, 2007

Class Antics

The last two weeks have been both exhausting and exhilarating, so let me begin with the 12th of October.

For my Cell Biology course, we are required to read a pithy paper once a week that will be discussed in depth as a class on Friday. We're assigned two papers (+2 reviews) for every day of class anyway (M and W), but this "discussion" paper is the most important for the week. In addition to reading the paper, we must also write a one page summary/analysis. Students are also required to get into groups of 3 or 4 and put together a presentation on a discussion paper once during the quarter (in lieu of the written analysis). Friday was my group's turn, and I must say I think we did a fabulous job. My teammates were my CanBio classmates and fortunately understood the paper much better than I did. So how did I contribute? I put together the powerpoint using the new Office 2007 Powerpoint. This program is such an improvement over Office 2003!! I'm actually excited to learn all the new features of Word and Excel too. So I know that sounds really dorky, but when the professor comes up to you afterwards and says, "You did a good job. I can see you put a lot of work into your presentation," it makes all the work totally worth it!

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