Thursday, March 09, 2006

9 Mar

So, perhaps I should have prepared a bit more for my presentation. I felt like a bit of an idiot when I repeated myself a bit. Oh well. I do better in the Q&A part anyway. After class, Zim told me I did wonderfully and I felt like answering back “You’re too kind” which is true, but I didn’t want to sound stupid. I was fortunate enough to see the 68 right outside King’s as I left the building and caught it perfectly. As I crossed Waterloo Bridge I remembered that I had meant to go to the library that afternoon. Oh well, I thought; I’m already on the bus so there’s no point in going back. I don’t need those books very urgently anyway.

Back in the dorm, I read, played around on the computer, and tidied my room a bit before dinner. So productive! Dinner was actually quite good and I enjoyed myself gastronomically after a long while. Afterwards I did some more reading, some chatting with home about my parents brief visit to London, and then went to bed around 2. Cheers!

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