Saturday, November 19, 2005

The Countdown Begins...

As I write this it is 2:34 a.m. on November 19th. I've recently returned from viewing of the latest Harry Potter movie, "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire." A good show, better than the first three but not entirely satisfying (didn't think much of the ending). I guess I felt somewhat dissatisfied because it only made me even more anxious to finally get to England and be surrounded by all those marvelous accents.
In other news, we've finally booked our departure and return tickets from Raleigh to London (17 Dec-11 Jun, for me if you're interested and 17 Dec-5 Jan for Sach). Our intercontinental tickets, however, have yet to be settled but should be by the end of the weekend. Currently, the plan is for Sachi and I to meet up with Saket in Amsterdam, travel through France, Belgium, Germany, and Switzerland, and then for us to part ways on 31 Dec when Saket returns to Lund to check-out and Sachi and I head to London to check me in. We'll mostly be traveling by rail with those wonderful Eurail tickets though we'll be flying one of those cheap intercontinental airlines to get from Munich back to our final destinations. Rather a shame we'll be in transit for much of the 31st, but the good news is that Sachi and I will probably be in Leicester (pronounced "lester") Square by midnight (if we're still up to going). We're all terribly excited about this winter break trip and I'll be sure to keep you all informed as often as I can about our little adventures. At the very least you'll get a belated posting in January.
As for studying abroad, all of the important forms have been mailed or faxed off (acceptance letter, housing form, etc) and all that remains are getting several passport-sized photographs and PACKING PACKING PACKING. At our last study abroad (known as SA from here forth) meeting I met a girl who spent her junior year at King's who is now sort of allied with the British Council, a sect of the British Embassy, and helps other American students SA in the UK. She handed out lots of useful maps and guides which I of course picked up. According to one such guide, I should pack everything I think I'll need, then remove a third. I usually pack far too much luggage for ordinary trips, and this being an extraordinary trip will require even more attention and diligence than normal. SA has become another class for me on top of researching graduate school options (but that's a whole other topic). Anyway, the focus of this blog was to keep you all updated on SA progress and not every minute detail of my life, a story which does not make for great entertainment (at least not yet), I will try my best to stick to SA topics only. I have a penchant for digression, however, so consider yourself warned. I like to write. I often like to ramble; and it's so much easier to ramble when your audience is reading and not actually listening.
So please excuse all this loquacity
And if you demonstrate tenacity
In reading all these verbose paragraphs
You'll find yourself in future epigraphs.

Did I mention I still need to pack? If you have any advice on SA packing, please let me know!


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